ASDAL: Planning the perfect Japan Tour.
2 min readJul 31, 2021
The Japan Tour is the Dream Vacation with the Dream Team. We utilized ASDAL planning elements and Planning Methods to prepare for this once-in-a-lifetime experience.
- Even though Taj and I chose two different places to visit we both plan to have a wonderful experience. We both utilized similar planning elements and methods. There are plenty of similarities in how we both crafted our plans using the Planning methods.
- Our plans target do have plenty of similarities but there are details that make our plan and journey unique from each other. Some of the methods I utilized were not included by Taj and on the other hand, she used some methods I did not include. Our methods in Analysis, Strategy, and Decision varied slightly with each other.
- Yes, We both tried to incorporate as much information that we learned while putting our goals, objectives, and family wants and needs in the heart of the planning experience.